Freedom Isn’t Free…Someone Had To Pay For It!

 When I was a kid, I couldn’t understand why Eisenhower was so popular. Maybe this will explain why. 


General Eisenhower Warned Us.


It is a matter of history  that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.

He did this because he said in words to this effect:

‘Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses – because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.’

This week, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it ‘offends’ the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it.

It is now more than 68 years after the Second World War in  Europe  ended. This Message is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the, six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 Catholic priests Who were murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated’ while many in the world looked the other way!

Now, more than ever, with  Iran , among others, claiming the Holocaust to be ‘a myth,’ it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

This Message is intended to reach 400 million people! Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.

How many years will it be before the attack on the World   Trade   Center



because it offends some Muslim???

Do not just delete this message; it will take only a minute to pass this along.


Where Is The Recovery? A Higher Percentage Of Americans Had Jobs Three Years Ago

Where Is The Recovery?If you think that the latest employment numbers are good news, you might want to look again.  In April 2013, 58.6 percent of all working age Americans had a job.  But three years ago, in April 2010, 58.7 percent of all working age Americans had a job.  Well, you may argue, that is not much of a difference.  And that is precisely my point.  The percentage of Americans that have a job fell like a rock during the last recession.  It dropped from about 63 percent all the way down to below 59 percent, and it has stayed below 59 percent for 44 months in a row.  So where is the recovery?  This is the first time in the post-World War II era that the employment-population ratio has not bounced back after the end of a recession.  So anyone that tells you that we are experiencing an employment recovery is lying to you.  Yes, the U.S. economy added 165,000 jobs last month.  But it takes nearly that many jobs just to keep up with population growth.  The truth is that we are just treading water. (Read More….)

They Are Murdering Small Business: The Percentage Of Self-Employed Americans Is At A Record Low

They Are Murdering Small Business - The Percentage Of Self-Employed Americans Is At A Record Low - Photo by Tina McKimmie

They Are Murdering Small Business: The Percentage Of Self-Employed Americans Is At A Record Low

The percentage of Americans that are working for themselves has never been lower in the history of the United States.  Once upon a time, the United States was a paradise for entrepreneurs and small businesses, but now the control freak bureaucrats that dominate our society have created a system that absolutely eviscerates them.  This is very unfortunate, because by murdering small business, the bureaucrats are destroying the primary engine of job growth in this country.  One of the big reasons why there are not enough jobs in America today is because small business creation is way down.  As I mentioned yesterday, entrepreneurs and small businesses are being absolutely devastated by rules, regulations, red tape and by oppressive levels of taxation.  If anyone doubts that small business in the United States is dying, just look at the charts below.  Sadly, this is what the bureaucrats that run things want.  They don’t want us to be independent of the system.  Instead, they are much more comfortable when as many of us as possible are heavily dependent on the system in one way or another.  If all of us have to go running to the government or to one of the big corporations for a job, then we are much easier to control.  But as the control freaks continue to construct their bureaucratic utopia, they are also killing off what once made the U.S. economy so great. (Read More….)

Major change on Christians in military

‘Department makes reasonable accommodations for all religions’


The Pentagon today released a statement that members of the military who want to talk about their faith with other members of the military have every right to do so, backtracking on a warning issued earlier about “proselytizing,” which it said could be punished with a court-martial.

The newest statement released by email and posted online by the Alliance Defending Freedom, said the DoD “has never and will never single out a particular religious group for persecution or prosecution.”

READ MORE: Major change on Christians in military

The Rules of a Gunfight!

The rules of a gunfight:
Some words to the wise….
Shooting Advice from various Concealed Carry Instructors:
If you own a gun, you will appreciate this..
If not, you should get one and learn how to use it:
A: Guns have only two enemies – rust and politicians.
B: It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
C: Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
D: Never let someone or something that threatens you get within your arms length.
E: Never say “I’ve got a gun.” If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they hear should be the safety clicking off.
F: The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes, the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.
G: The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win, cheat if necessary.
H: Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets . . . You may get killed with your own gun, but he’ll have to beat you to death with it, cause it’ll be empty.
If you’re in a gun fight:
1. If you’re not shooting, you should be loading.
2. If you’re not loading, you should be movin,
3. If you’re not movin’, you’re dead.
J: In a life and death situation, do something . . . It may be wrong, but do something!
K: If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense!
If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?
L: You can say ‘stop’ or ‘alto’ or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language.
M: Forget the save the planet nonsense, it doesn’t need saving, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.
If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, please forward.

The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme

The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme

The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme

During fiscal year 2012, $359,796,008,919.49 that had been forcibly extracted from American taxpayers was transferred into other hands.  Most of it ended up in the pockets of the global elite.  So what did the American people get in return for that 359 billion dollars?  Nothing at all.  No roads were built, no schools were constructed, no teachers were paid and none of it went to national defense.  It was simply interest that was owed on the national debt, and most of it just made the ultra-wealthy even wealthier.  But this is exactly what the Federal Reserve system was designed to do when it was created back in 1913.  It was designed to get the U.S. government trapped in an endless spiral of debt that would systematically drain the wealth of the American people and transfer it to the ultra-wealthy and the international bankers.  When most people think of a “wealth redistribution scheme”, they think of a government raising taxes in order to give money to poor people.  But the Federal Reserve system works in reverse.  Money is taken from all of us and it is redistributed to the global elite.  That is why a federal income tax was instituted the exact same (Read More….)

Will The New Housing Bubble That Bernanke Is Creating End As Badly As The Last One Did?

Will The New Housing Bubble Lead To Another Housing Crash?

Will The New Housing Bubble That Bernanke Is Creating End As Badly As The Last One Did?

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has done it.  He has succeeded in creating a new housing bubble.  By driving mortgage rates down to the lowest level in 100 years and recklessly printing money with wild abandon, Bernanke has been able to get housing prices to rebound a bit.  In fact, in some of the more prosperous areas of the country you would be tempted to think that it is 2005 all over again.  If you can believe it, in some areas of the country builders are actually holding lotteries to see who will get the chance to buy their homes.  Wow – that sounds great, right?  Unfortunately, this “housing recovery” is not based on solid economic fundamentals.  As you will see below, this is a recovery that is being led by investors.  They are paying cash for cheap properties that they believe will appreciate rapidly in the coming years.  Meanwhile, the homeownership rate in the United States continues to decline.  It is now the lowest that it has been since 1995.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  Number one, there has not been a jobs recovery in the United States.  The percentage of working age Americans with a job has not rebounded at all and is still about the exact same place where it was at the end of the last recession.  Secondly, crippling levels of student loan debt continue to drive down the percentage of young people that are buying homes.  So no, this is not a real housing recovery.  It is an investor-led recovery that is mostly limited to the more prosperous areas of the country.  For example, the median sale price of a home in Washington D.C. just hit a new all-time record high.  But this bubble will not last, and when this new housing bubble does burst, will it end as badly as the last one did? (Read More….)

DHS Trains to Shoot Pregnant Women, Old Men, Children With Guns (see photos)

How much more evidence do you need?

These targets (see images below) are used to train DHS employees to shoot American citizens and they depict pregnant women, old men, children and even young moms with guns. The purpose of the targets, according to the company that sells them, is to “eliminate any hesitation” that U.S. government employees might normally feel in shooting to kill pregnant women, children and old men. (I’m not making this up. The government’s plan to murder Americans is now right out in the open…)

Here are the images of the cardboard targets.



BREAKING Obama Training Army & DHS To Kill Christians! {Video}


Brothers & sisters please watch the video, click on all the links below and read the posts by Fox News reporter Todd Starnes and get educated on this fast and then please share this with others and then click the link below to your Congressman and Senators and let them know NOW we will not tolerate this outrageous, illegal and treasonous behavior by The White House. DO IT NOW and please pray for our country. As Christians we truly live in dangerous times. Do not sit back and do nothing and be led to the slaughter by these Godless liberals who are trying to destroy our country and WE THE PEOPLE. God Bless you all. Pastor Gary Gardner

Glen Beck Details This True And Disturbing Must See Story. Please Share This With Others We Must Wake Up All The People Who Are Unaware That Our Government Has Been Taken Over By Godless Tyrants!







Material presented to soldiers at training session.


Army Labeled Evangelicals as Religious Extremists




Army Email Labels Christian Ministries as “Domestic Hate Groups”


Army: Keep an Eye on Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim Soldiers


The Army’s List of “Domestic Hate Groups”


Material presented to soldiers at training session.


Lawmakers Want Army to Apologize for Attacks on Christians

United States House of Representatives



United States Senate

Engineered Economic Collapse, Martial Law, Dictatorship {IMPORTANT VIDEO}

64                                             “Marxism in America”

Special Forces Lt. Gen. W.G. Boykin Warns of Engineered Economic Collapse, Martial Law, Dictatorship

By Lt. General Jerry Boykin

In this video entitled “Marxism in America” General Jerry Boykin discusses his background and training in understanding Marxist insurgencies and how current government actions parallel Marxist tactics.